วันจันทร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554



How do search engines work?

They search the Internet -- or select pieces of the Internet -- based on important words.

They keep an index of the words they find, and where they find them.

They allow users to look for words or combinations of words found in that index.

Examples 5 search engines on the Internet.

วันจันทร์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554



Book Report Example

In Contempt Book Report

Book Written by Chris Darden

This report is based upon the book In Contempt, written by Christhopher A. Darden with Jess

Walter. This book is published by Regan Books an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers and is

copyrighted 1996 by Christopher A. Darden.

Introduction of the Author

The book In Contempt was written by Christopher A. Darden. Chris Darden is famous for being

one of the prosecuting attorneys in the court case The People vs. Simpson. He has worked hard
his whole life to reach the status he has now achieved. He proved to America that even though he
wasn't a high-priced private lawyer that he could present a well-thought out and planned case
under the tremendous pressure he and the other prosecutors had to endure during the Simpson


I found this book to be very well thought out and well written. Most people would assume that
this book was written with the intentions of making a quick-buck off the misfortune of Nicole
Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. I, however, do not believe this to be true. The way that
the author speaks of the victims in the book and the way he spoke of them before and after the
trial shows that he really cared about the lives of these people that he didn't even know. He even
went as far as to say in the book that this was the first case that affected him personally and

Body of the Review

This book is funny and at other times the mood is more serious. The few chapters in the
beginning were the funny ones. In these chapters he writes about his childhood and works his
way forward to when he starts to work in the District Attorney's Office. Specifically he tells
about how he was caught stealing a Hostess Fruit pie at the corner store, sneaking crackers from
his house pantry, and being teased about having false teeth as a child. As he writes and talks
about when he gets older the mood changes and gets more serious.


I didn't find this book particularly useful, but it was a very good book to read and it gave me
more insight as to what has happened in Chris Darden's life and what he went through during the
Simpson case. When I got the book I approached it like most students do when they have a book
report to write. I didn't want to read the book but had to in order to get a good grade. As I started
to read the first chapter, which was about the Simpson case I realized that the book wasn't just
the boring drivel you would expect from a lawyer. It was intelligently written and had amusing
stories from his childhood and fraternity days. Although I didn't want to read it' it wasn't as bad
as I had expected, and I found it to be enjoyable and informative.


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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

What is the difference between the Dewey Decimal classification system and the Library of Congress?


The Dewey Decimal System is a common library system, organising non-fiction books by numbers, and placing them in certain areas, then putting their according number in an alphabetized folder with the subject and it's number.



                         British Library 

                        Thai  Nation of Library

                        Sripatum University  Library

                        ASEAN Community

วันศุกร์ที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Chapter 2

Chapter 2.

1.Objective facts:

       lady gaga she is a singer. she very famous and popular because her fashion style.

Sources:     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeWBS0JBNzQ

2.Subjective opinions:

                    I like Lady Gaga singing and it only offers a unique music. she is leader of fashion. her music, fun and excitement. 

วันเสาร์ที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Chapter 1

   Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom

1.1 What is Information



1. Information, often in the form of facts or figures obtained from experiments or surveys, used as a basis for making calculations or drawing conclusions
2.Information, for example, numbers, text, images, and sounds, in a form that is suitable for storage in or processing by a computer


1.  Definite knowledge acquired or supplied about something or somebody
2. The collected facts and data about a particular subject
3. A telephone service that supplies telephone numbers to the public on request.
4. The communication of facts and knowledge
5. Computer data that has been organized and presented in a systematic fashion to clarify the underlying meaning
6.  A formal accusation of a crime brought by a prosecutor, as opposed to an indictment brought by a grand jury


1. General awareness or possession of information, facts, ideas, truths, or     principles
2. Clear awareness or explicit information, for example, of a situation or fact
3. All the information, facts, truths, and principles learned throughout time
4. Familiarity or understanding gained through experience or study


1.  The knowledge and experience needed to make sensible decisions and judgments, or the good sense shown by the decisions and judgments made
2.  Accumulated knowledge of life or in a particular sphere of activity that has been gained through experience
3.  An opinion that almost everyone seems to share or express
4.  Ancient teachings or sayings

The terms Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom are sometimes presented in a form that suggests a scale.

1.2 Good and Poor Information

What is good information

Relevant;  The information obtained and used should be needed for decision-making. it doesn't matter how interesting it is. Businesses are often criticised for producing too much information simply because their information systems can "do it". A good way of ensuring relevance is to closely define the objectives of any information reports. Another way to improve relevance is to produce information that focuses on "exceptions" - e.g. problems, high or low values, where limits have been exceeded.

Accurate;   As far as possible, information should be free from errors (e.g. the figures add up; data is allocated to the correct categories). The users of information should be informed whenever assumptions or estimates have been used. Accruate information is usually a function of accurate data collection. If information needs to be extremely accurate, then more time needs to be allocated for it to be checked. However, businesses need to guard against trying to produce "perfect" information - it is often more important for the information to be up-to-date than perfect.

Easy to use and understand;  Information should be clearly presented (e.g. use summaries, charts) and not too long. It also needs to be communicated using an appropriate medium (e.g. email, printed report, presentation. Businesses should also consider developing "templates" which are used consistently throughout the organisation - so that users get used to seeing information in a similar style.

What is poor information?

Irrelevant;  information is of little value when it is too old of out-of-data to be relevant to the users need.

Swamping;  It is not helpful when information is too voluminous to allow any sense to be made of it. It is the quality of information is important. not the quantity 

Unclear;  information is poor when it is not presented in a way that will facilitate a decision . 

Not all threw;  If information is incomplete. it may fail to provide a clear sense of the entirety of problem.

1.3 Sources of Information

Primary source;   Is a term used in a number of disciplines to describe source material that is closest to the person, information, period, or idea being studied

secondary source;   Is a document or recording that relates or discusses information originally presented elsewhere

tertiary source;   Is a term used to describe a work which is chiefly a selection or compilation of other primary and secondary sources.

Information Literate

      Information Literacy is the ability to identify what information is needed, understand how the information is organized, identify the best sources of information for a given need, locate those sources, evaluate the sources critically, and share that information. It is the knowledge of commonly used research techniques.

Information Overload

     Information overload is a description given to the phenomenon where so much information is taken in by the human brain that it becomes nearly impossible to process it.

Value of information 

     information comes to us in a myriad of forms and from a variety of sources including
books. videos television. online databases. billboards. web sites. news papers. people
and more. 

1.4 Users of Information 

      There are many kinds of information users in the modern word, not just personal users. They include users in

* Business and industry
* Education
* Research and development
* Entertainment

1.5 What is mind map?

Mind mapping is a strategy for helping students order and structure their thinking through mentally mapping words or/and concepts. As a way of helping students make notes that used only key words and images. They are much quicker to make, and because of their visual quality much easier to remember and review. The difference between concept maps and mind maps is that a mind map has only one main concept, while a concept map may have several.


Presented by:
Natcha Kraoomkrow ID.54046314 (IBC)
Sripatum International College